EVENT: Huddersfield Feminist Collective at Manchester Slutwalk

Slutwalk (1)Here’s a couple of shots from when some of us took part in the Manchester Slutwalk on Friday 10 June.

Another Slutwalk is currently being planned for Leeds – look out for them on Twitter if you want to get involved.

[Thanks to Pictures In The Cloud for letting us reuse the pics here!]

Slutwalk (2)

EVENT: Million Mothers March/ Million Women Rise (Sunday 31st July 2011)

Dear Manchester Wimmin Rising,

Planning for the Million Mothers March (MMM) is now fully underway. The date for the 2011 event is Sunday 31st July 2011. The theme this year is the EveryChild Matters outcome “Be Safe.” After the success of the 2009 event and last year’s 2010 “Be Health” theme the committee are once again hard at work planning the programme.

Mothers Against Violence and Million Women Rise will be working together to raise money for the Million Mothers March and the Million Women Rise March on 3.3.12.

We are looking for volunteers to help us do a street collection in Manchester on 29.7.11 and 31.7.11 at the march.

Please contact Patsy Mckie, Mother Against Violence (office@mavuk.org, 0161 2268134)


Louise Bond, Million Women Rise (jpluy@hotmail.com, 07872015114) if
you would like to be involved

Please see the following websites for more information:



Together we will end violence!


*We are at a threshold. We are going to see change. If we can create
the vision in our heart, it will spread. As women of wisdom we cannot be
divided. As bringers of light, we have no choice but to join

Agness Baker Pilgrim – http://www.grandmotherscouncil.org/

EVENT: Zine Fest! Women’s Library, London (Saturday 24th June 2011)

*ZINE FEST 2011*

*Saturday 25th June 2011, 12pm-4pm, Free*

*The Women’s Library, 25 Old Castle Street, London*

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=182937295088674

Hey everyone,

So ZineFest is super nearly here! This Saturday we’ve got a great
programme of events lined up – including comic making, stencilling, zine tours,
stalls, exhibitions, crafting, a discussion on survivor zines, and a panel
on feminist media and memory- including speakers from Race Revolt,
Shocking Pink magazine, Sheba Press, and More Crackers Please. For more info
see, http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/thewomenslibrary/whats-on/events/zine-fest-2011.cfm

Please help spread the word!

EVENT: Shakespeare this Sunday (Sunday 26th June, 2011)

Open air theatre in Huddersfield this coming Sunday Quantum Theatre present Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night www.Quantumtheatre.co.uk

Where: TimeCirca 2010 Cafe, 51 Hammonds Yard, off King Street, Huddersfield

When: this Sunday 26 June @ 3pm Tickets £6-10 available from Cafe or phone them on 01484 531 090 Cafe will be open from midday for food and drinks

I hadn’t heard of this cafe before (Time Circa 2010 – intriguing name). It’s a new and interesting enterprise that has a commitment to combining good coffee with creative events. Sounds like a lovely idea so hope the weather holds up (they’ll probably have a gazebo lined up in case it doesn’t).

EVENT: Moulin Bruise – Leeds vs Berlin All-Female Flat-Track Roller Derby 9th July

moulin bruiseHi all,
Following on from today’s super Roller Derby spectacular at Huddersfield Leisure Centre, we’re excited to announce that the next roller derby will be an incredibly intense bout between our very own Leeds Roller Dolls, and the Berlin Bombshells on the 9th July!

For anyone who doesn’t know much about roller derby, it’s a women-only roller-skating sport involving people basically bashing their way around the course scoring points for their team 🙂

Click here for more info, or see below! http://leedsrollerdolls.com/moulin_bruise_2011

At least one of us will be there – get in touch if you’d like to come with!

Moulin Bruise! LRD vs Berlin Bombshells – Home – 09/07/11

Start: 9 Jul 2011 14:00, International Roller Derby!

Leeds Roller Dolls vs Berlin Bombshells

When: Saturday, 9 July 2011

Where: Huddersfield Sports Centre, HD1 1TW

After meeting for the first time on track at Roll Britannia (2009), this will be a rematch not to be missed! Flying all the way from Germany the Berlin Bombshells will be coming to the UK to take on the Leeds Roller Dolls!

Tickets now on sale here.

Standard ticket : £6.00
Children under 10: Free

If you have any questions or queries relating to ticket sales please email tickets@leedsrollerdolls.co.uk

HELP: Sexism zine

honkHey everyone,

At yesterday’s Sunday Social (which was wonderful, by the way), some of us decided it would be good to create a zine (a DIY magazine/booklet) on the theme of sexism. We want to highlight all the little (and not-so-little) sexisms that surround us every day – the aim is producing something that we can hand out to people in the street to make people go ‘oh yeah!’ and realise that the fight for gender equality is far from over.

We want *all sorts* of submissions, and we reckon everyone has something they can offer. How about…

  • A rant about something that annoys you
  • A graffiti-ed magazine cover
  • A poem or song
  • A book or film review
  • Statistics you find shocking
  • Photography, drawing or painting
  • Good news stories about feminist successes

….or anything else that you think can help to convey the message. These are just ideas to get you thinking.

You can submit entries by email or post – the zine will probably be A5-sized so bear that in mind (though we can scan and re-size anything that’s too big).

Help us to make people sit up and realise what kind of a world we’re living in.


Email info@feministcollective.org.uk

EVENT: Pulp Friction – Roller Derby action next Saturday! (18th June 2011)

rollerderbyNext Saturday, 18th June, get some all-female sporting wheeling wonderful roller derby action down at Huddersfield Sports Center for Pulp Friction – Roller Derby Tournament.

First up it’s Leeds Roller Dolls Whip-Its vs Wakey Wheeled Cats – who are you gonna support?

Q. “Hey, I’ve heard about this Roller Derby thing – what’s it all about?” A. Click here.

More info on this event below, or click here. Enjoy!

Pulp Friction! LRD vs RWRG and LRD Whip-Its vs WWC – Home – 18/06/11

Awesome double-header action!

First Bout: LRD Whip-Its vs Wakey Wheeled Cats

Second Bout: Leeds Roller Dolls vs Royal Windsor Roller Girls

When:Saturday, 18 June 2011

Where: Huddersfield Sports Centre, HD1 1TW


We are well into our Bouting season and enjoying every minute and we think you should be a part of it!

Join us by watching our upcoming bout – Leeds Roller Dolls will be taking on the mighty Royal Windsor Roller Girls in their first meeting on the track!

If that’s not enough excitement for you our lovely LRD Whip-its will be battling it out against the tough Wakey Wheeled Cats in a bout of local rivalry!

Tickets on sale now.

Standard Tickets are £7.00
Children under 10 go free

NEXT HFC EVENT: SUNDAY SOCIAL, Sunday the 12th June 2011, from 1pm

Microsoft Word - 4HFCSSposterApril11.doc12th June, 1.00 – 5.00
Coffee Evolution
9a Church Street, Huddersfield (click for a map)


Every so often we just wanna get together, make stuff, read stuff and talk gender equality.

We take over the cellar of the lovely Coffee Evolution in Huddersfield town centre and get up to all sorts. It’s a good way to meet us if you don’t fancy a proper ‘meeting’.

All are welcome to pop in and join us for a brew. Regular features include a feminist library (bring books if you’d like to share them!), a ‘current affairs’ table with newspaper clippings and other bits and bobs, and crafty activities. We sometimes also play our own music, so bring a CD if you fancy playing DJ 🙂

For more info, email us! info@feministcollective.org.uk

EVENT: Holmfirth Arts Festival: Th’Owd Towser Show, 11-26 June 2011

Holmfirth Arts Festival: **Th’Owd Towser Show, 11th – 26th June 2011, Daisy Lane, Holmfirth, UK*

This group exhibition brings a selection of contemporary artists to
the Grade 1 listed heritage site, once used as the village church lock up, mortuary, ambulance station and fire station. Perhaps the oldest building in Holmfirth dating from circa 1597, Th’Owd Towser (The House of Correction) houses some unexpected things reminiscent of the building’s former uses. Artists have been selected from an international open call to show new work in response to this unique building, with
the lower floor showing an artists’ film programme throughout the festival.

*Kristin Anderson, Lorna Barrowclough, Paul Clark & Richard Light, Alastair Cook, Angella Conte, Amelia Crouch, Chris Czainski, Michael Day, Paul Edmondson, Christopher Garcia, Maggie Hall, Christine Hurford, Ilené Jacobs, Lefty Caligari, Marius Leneweit & Rocío Rodríguez, Lin Li, Amanda Loomes, Bob Lorrimer, Fin McMorran, Charlotte Morgan,
Rachael Parsons, Ellie Rees, Tim Shore, Dan Wagstaffe, Simon Warner, Donna
Wood, Tobias Zehntner.*

Curated by Alice Bradshaw and Vanessa Haley.

Open: Saturday 11th/18th/25th June & Sunday 12th/18th June 2011,
12-5pm, free. Artists’ Talks: Saturday 18th & 25th June, 4-6pm, Back Lane Art Space,

Download artist information: http://bit.ly/OTSPR (5.7MB pdf)

About Holmfirth Arts Festival: Holmfirth Arts Festival is a mixed art form commissioning festival established in 2008. Taking place annually in the picturesque town of Holmfirth and throughout the Holme Valley, the festival’s programme embraces theatre, visual art, literature, and music. Holmfirth Arts Festival celebrates the landscapes and
communities of the Holme Valley and Yorkshire and fosters the distinct cultural traditions which thrive here, such as brass bands and choral singing. Making new work is fundamental to the festival; each year’s programme is built around a series of new works across all art forms, including works by young and emerging artists and companies, local artists, and nationally or internationally known practitioners.

http://www.holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk | info@holmfirthartsfestival.co.uk


EVENT: Colne Valley Green Fair (Saturday 4th June, 2011)

Come along between 11am – 3pm on Saturday 4th June to enjoy:
* Home-made food,
* Hot & cold drinks,
* Alternative health,
* Craft stalls,
* Environmental information & advice,
* Fair trade stall,
* Plants stall & swap,
* Children’s activities,
* “Future Passiv” – film about low energy house in Denby Dale.

We hope to see you there. Chas Ball
for the Colne Valley Green Fair committee
01484 454477
e-mail: mailto:chas.ball@metronet.co.uk

MASTT will be having a stall at this event where tickets for the next Clothes Swap will be on sale. Come find out what activities we have for you to get involved in and tell us about your own idea for projects. We’ll also have a small display of new Transition books for you to have a read of. Everyone welcome.

Don’t forget to visit our website to find out about our gardening project working with Colne Valley Specialist Art College – http://www.mastt.org.uk