EVENT: Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp(aign)

Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp is held on the second weekend of every month. We arrive at camp on Saturday morning or sometimes on Friday evening (please ring to check we are there if you plan to come Friday evening). We stay until Sunday lunch-time.

Visit the events section for details for forthcoming camps.

All women are welcome to come along at any time – and male visitors are welcome at camp during the day, but not after dark.

You can get a flavour of camp life by reading the blog section. You can also download our new women’s leaflet (pdf below) containing basic information about the camp.

Site: aldermaston.net.

EVENT: York Feminist Network picnic (20th July)

From email:

Hello Huddersfield Feminist Collective!

Just wanted to let you know about a ‘Yorkshire Feminists’ picnic that we (York Feminist Network) are hosting on Saturday 20th July in York.

Details from our Facebook event:

We are hosting a picnic for Yorkshire feminists from across all corners of our fine county!

On Saturday 20th July, from midday onwards, you will find us at the community gardens opposite The Golden Ball (pub) on Cromwell Road in York.

Women, men and children all welcome!

Bring food and drink, as much or as little as you like. As hosts, we shall endeavour to provide as hearty an offering as we are able of some of the ‘picnic essentials’ – sandwiches, cake etc. We will bring as many blankets as we can scramble together, and will also provide all nibbling accessories (cups, plates etc).

Anyone able to bring along a football / a frisbee / any other object capable of providing entertainment for young children, that would be much appreciated.

Continue Reading…

NEXT HFC EVENT: THURSDAY MEET, 30th May 2013 at 7.00pm

The Huddersfield Feminist Collective meets on the last Thursday of each month from 7pm at the Sports(person)man Pub, 1 St Johns Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5AY.

Please come along – it’s informal and fun and you’ll be made welcome! The Sports(person)man pub has kindly offered us a room for our exclusive (whenever possible) use.

Next meeting: Thursday the 30th of May 2013, at 7.00pm. See you there!

EVENTS: Kirklees Town Halls over the summer

From email:

Kirklees Town Halls has a fantastic summer  season ahead from Comedy, Cabaret, Classical to Drama and Dance

ONLINE BROCHURE: http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/townhalls/documents/KirkleesTownHallsEventGuide.pdf


Magic of Motown  – 10th May – Huddersfield Town Hall

Calendar Girls – 15th to 17th May – Cleckheaton Town Hall

Dewsbury Beer Festival – 16th to 18th May – Dewsbury Town Hall

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic – 17th May – Huddersfield Town Hall

Ken Dodd – 2nd June – Huddersfield Town Hall

Cleckheaton Folk Festival – 5th to 7th  – Cleckheaton Town Hall

BOX OFFICE 01484 223200 / 01484 222444 / 01924 324501

BOOK ONLINE: http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/townhalls/



EVENT: King’s College London Summer School 2013 – ‘Queer Streets of London’ (22nd July to 9th August)

King’s College London Summer School 2013 – Deadline for Applications 15th May

‘Queer Streets of London’, 22nd July – 9th August

London has had a long and storied history of sexual dissidence. From the gender ambiguity of Shakespearean theatre, to the scandal of the Oscar Wilde trials, to the groundbreaking films of Derek Jarman, the city has been at the forefront of queer activism and academia, a touchstone for LGBT urban life. Situated in the heart of London, King’s College remains an epicentre of queer theorising in Britain.

Queer theory seeks to illuminate the ways sexuality is constructed, articulated and experienced in historically and culturally specific ways. How is desire shaped by the discourses which surround it? How are gender and sexuality performed and maintained through the policing of dissident bodies? And through the embodiment of hierarchies, exclusions and normativities, how has the queer political landscape changed over the past century? This course offers an exciting chance to think about queer theory in the very places, spaces and environments which have constituted its intellectual arrival and witnessed its effects.

This 3 week short course will introduce the grounding tenets of queer theory, set against the experiences of those queer men and women who have lived and loved in the streets of London. Reading theory in conjunction with literature and history we seek to unpack the social, cultural and political contexts under which sexuality operates and draw on exciting case studies from a number of sources, fostering an interdisciplinary approach. This course shall include visits to the Museum of London and the Victoria and Albert Museum to view their collections of objects with queer histories, as well as offer opportunities to experience the queer streets of the bustling metropolis.

For all the information relating to this course

Visit us: www.kcl.ac.uk/study/summerschool/courses/ArtsLiterature-and-Culture.aspx

and click on Queer Streets of London

Contact us: summerschool@kcl.ac.uk

NEXT HFC EVENT: THURSDAY MEET, 25th April 2013 at 7.00pm

The Huddersfield Feminist Collective meets on the last Thursday of each month from 7pm at the Sportspersons Pub, 1 St Johns Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5AY.

Please come along – it’s informal and fun and you’ll be made welcome! The Sportsman pub have kindly offered us a room for our exclusive (whenever possible) use.

Next meeting: Thursday the 25th of April 2013, at 7.00pm. See you there!

EVENT: Come and sing in the Packhorse Centre this Saturday (13th April) with ‘Mice in the Attic’.

This is short notice but in case any of you can make it (sent to HFC on email).

Dora Thewlis and Edith Key were prominent women in Huddersfield’s history and very important in the Suffrage movement. The ‘Mice in the Attic’ will tell their stories through a series of events and ‘mini happenings’ over the coming months.

We kick start the project this Saturday in the Packhorse Centre, Huddersfield (map), where we are inviting community singers (no experience needed) to very quickly learn and rehearse a few simple songs from that era, with familiar tunes.

Morning session: Come along at 10am to learn the songs and we’ll be singing between 11.30 and 12.30

Afternoon session: Come along at 1pm to learn the songs and we’ll be singing between 2.30 and 3.30

Or do both!

It will be a very relaxed and fun affair, you’ll need to spare no more than three hours and be up for singing in the public shopping centre. You’ll get a cup of tea and a bun to keep your energy up! If you would like to be part of the very first ‘Mice in the Attic’ event, please e mail us on miceintheattic@outlook.com or visit www.miceintheattic.co.uk Big groups welcome! The more voices, the better!

Pop along and watch.

As well as live singing, there will be a bit of contemporary dance set to a live violinist. If you do not wish to sing but you’d like to come and experience some performance, come to the Packhorse anytime between 11.30am – 12.30pm or 2.30pm – 3.30pm.


ACTION: Common Cause UK: Congolese women leading change for peace and justice

Common Cause UK is holding a peace vigil in Piccadilly Gardens (Manchester) on this coming Saturday, the 30th March. It is from 12.30pm until 2pm. The vigil is to raise awareness of the mass violence perpetrated against Congolese women.

Piece by ChristinaManch and Sam:

Mama Nzita is a founding member of Common Cause UK. In an interview with Black Feminists Manchester, she shares her thoughts about the ongoing campaign to raise awareness and end violence against Congolese women and girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She tells us more about the Common Cause Manchester group that formed in December 2012 and their upcoming peace vigil.

Int: Can you tell us about Common Cause UK?

MN: “Common Cause UK are a platform for Congolese women based in the UK, we empower ladies, teach them to know about their rights because ladies are not aware of their rights, they are suffering and facing many problems in this country, so that’s why Common Cause was set up to help ladies in our community.”

Is it specifically for Congolese women?

“At the beginning yes it was for Congolese women, but we have grown now and can help other women, but the focus is for Congolese women

Rest the rest: blackfeministsmanchester.

NEXT HFC EVENT: THURSDAY MEET, 28th March 2013 at 7.00pm

The Huddersfield Feminist Collective meets on the last Thursday of each month from 7pm at the Sportspersons Pub, 1 St Johns Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5AY.

Please come along – it’s informal and fun and you’ll be made welcome! The Sportsman pub have kindly offered us a room for our exclusive (whenever possible) use.

Next meeting: Thursday the 28th of March, 2013, at 7.00pm. See you there!

NEXT HFC EVENT: SUNDAY SOCIAL, Sunday the 2nd December 2012, from 1pm

(c) Jacky Fleming

(c) Jacky Fleming

Every so often we just want to get together, make stuff, read stuff and talk gender equality.

We take over the cellar of the lovely Coffee Evolution in Huddersfield town centre and get up to all sorts. It’s a good way to meet us if you don’t fancy a proper ‘meeting’.

All are welcome to pop in and join us for a brew. Regular features include a feminist library (bring books if you’d like to share them!), a ‘current affairs’ table with newspaper clippings and other bits and bobs, and crafty activities. We sometimes also play our own music, so bring a CD if you fancy playing DJ. 🙂

Next Sunday Social:

Sunday 2nd December 2012, from 1 to 4pm

This will be an arty farty session to make some flyers and posters and to re-vamp the website and generally make plans for future events and activities. Please bring photocopies, scissors, glue, sparkly things, photos, any other pictures/images  you can let us use, magazines, felt tips, paper – in fact any art materials you’ve got –  and we’ll see what beautiful, powerful stuff  we come up with!

Coffee Evolution, 9A Church Street, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 1DD.

Any queries please ring 01484 843 034

[Image copyright: Jacky Fleming]