EVENT: L Fest. The place to be this summer! (22-25th July 2011)

L-FestEmail from Sal Hampson:

Welcome to L Fest! We wanted to tell you about this new and exciting weekend lesbian festival, on 22-25th July 2011.

L Fest is different. Our aim is clear: to offer a weekend with a wide variety of entertainment and activities. Whatever’s your passion, we have something for you!

Music @ L Fest!

We have a wide range of lesbian artists performing on our main stage with Pimms Garden! We will have acts such Jill Jackson (currently touring with Heather Peace), Vicky Jackson, international Pink Tribute, Jo Frances, Christina Novelli, Eeek, Mel Sanson from Kenelis, Faye Bagley, Eeek and more!

Sports @ L Fest!

Whether you play in a team or on your own or are just trying something new, there are sports for everyone. We have It’s a Knockout, Football, Rounders, Power Kites, Ultimate Frisbee and Volleyball & many inflatable games! Just register to play on the day!

Arts @ L Fest!

Top authors Jackie Kay, Manda Scott and VG Lee will read from their latest books at L Fest, along with performance poets Jay Bernard and Sophia Blackwell, all hosted by Helen Sandler (ex YLAF). With workshops in cartooning, writing, drama, dancing and laughter yoga, plus an open mic for poets, you can learn new skills or just show off! The Laughing Cows comedy night will showcase hilarious well-known acts such as Jen Brister, Barbara Nice, Rosie Wilby, Kerry Leigh. Continue Reading…

EVENT: Slutwalk Manchester – march with us! (Friday 10th June, 2011, 7pm – 9pm)

slutwalkFriday 10 June · 7pm – 9pm
Location – Meeting outside Manchester Town Hall
On 24th January 2011, a Toronto policeman told a group of law students that in order to avoid being raped ‘women should avoid dressing like sluts’.

This sparked protest and outrage around the world because this statement
represents an attitude in our society. That if we behave or dress in certain
ways, we deserve to be raped.

Rape is NEVER the fault of the survivor.
SlutWalk Manchester says that nobody deserves rape. If we wear revealing
clothes. If we are drunk. If we walk home alone late at night. If we flirt
with you. If we are married to you. If we are sex workers. If we defy gender

SlutWalk Manchester does not just fight against rape, it fights against all
forms of sexual assault and harassment, right down to the last time you were
shouted at or ‘complimented’ by a stranger in the street. It fights against
sexism and promotes feminism.

We are tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our
sexuality and feeling unsafe as a result. Being in charge of our sexual
lives should not mean that we are opening ourselves to an expectation of
violence, regardless if we participate in sex for pleasure or work, or if we
choose not to have sex at all..

Continue Reading…

EVENT: What’s happening to the NHS? (Tuesday 3rd May 2011, 7pm)

If, like us, you’e confused and concerned by the Social Care Reform Bill, talk of back-door privatisation, GP commissioning and the gradual destruction of our National Health Service, come along to this informal talk where you can find out what the bill actually means and ask any questions you may have.What's happening to the NHS

Tuesday 3rd May, 7pm


Estate Buildings, Railway Street, Huddersfield

click here for a map

All welcome

Note: This event is free of charge, however we encourage you to make a small (or large!!) donation to WomenCentre, who are very kindly letting us use their meeting room for free.