I thought I’d drop you a quick email to let you know about our exciting plans seen as you are a group of kick ass women in West Yorkshire to whom it might be of interest.
You have probably heard of Hollaback. The idea started in New York and the movement is slowly spreading, http://www.ihollaback.org/about/. London & Manchester have dedicated sites and the West Yorkshire one is due to Launch August 10th.
Almost every women I know has been on the receiving end of such comments, the site will allow women to post there stories relating to street harassment in West Yorkshire to share the experiences and expose the culprits who make us feel angry, embarrassed, shocked, scared whilst going about our everyday business
We will be sorting a facebook site, twitter account and email in the near future. However if you have any ideas, hints, tips, knowledge of upcoming local events or suggestions for contacts who we should approach we would be super grateful!
Thanks Emma